Monday 5 November 2012


Brakes, the most important part for vehicle safety. All cars have different ways how the brakes work. I will explain to you what i have learned.

Moving energy is made into heat energy as the break lining material rubs against the rotating metal drum or disc rotor.
Brake pads play a imported role, your break pads should always have more then 1.5mm of material. (Asbestos was the most common one being used, but it is highly poisonous)
When we took the brake pad out, we had to check for uneven ware and marks on it, one of the brake pads was worn unevenly, but we didn't know why, until we learned about brake callipers.
Brake callipers consist of many parts, but most importantly it holds your brake pads into place which helps apply the break, depending on the brake system the callipers hold pistons which pushes the brakes onto the rotor.
There are fixed and sliding callipers. Fixed callipers can have up to 2 to 4 pistons, 2 piston callipers have one piston on each side of the disc, each piston has its own disc pads.When the brakes are applied the hydraulic pressure forces both piston inwards causing the pads to come in contact with the rotating disc.

Brake disc or rotor:
After a excessive use of your rotor, you can start getting heat spots and cracks which is what i suffered. when your rotors gets marks and things on it then it needs to be machined so its got no run out or warpage but it cant go under your manufactures specification.
Flaring brake pipes is something else we managed to do, this was to give us a idea of how to double and single flare and how it works. We used the flaring tools that was provided by Unitec, it was a bit hard at first but once the technique is right it works almost perfect
Brake safety, ABS. 
ABS isn't as complicated as it may seems, it is an vehicles system that allows the wheels on a vehicle to maintain contact with the road surface according to driver inputs while braking preventing the wheels from locking up (ceasing rotation) and avoiding uncontrolled skidding. 
Brake Roller testing was done at Mt Albert campus

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