Thursday 8 November 2012

Customer care, service and Treaty of Waitangi


HER MAJESTY VICTORIA Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland regarding with Her Royal Favor the Native Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and anxious to protect their just Rights and Property and to secure to them the enjoyment of Peace and Good Order has deemed it necessary in consequence of the great number of Her Majesty's Subjects who have already settled in New Zealand”

New Zealand has well preserved land and has been secured for a while. But Pollution from our environment isn’t helping anywhere with car fumes, oils etc. so we need to do our best to protect it.

                        CUSTOMER SERVICE AND CARE

Customer service is what is what needs to be done to meet the customer’s needs and expectations.

Customer care is slightly different. While customer service is about ‘meeting the needs’, customer care goes further. It is about providing customer satisfaction

Basic Customer Service

Greeting, offering help, showing the common options, say excuse me when you leave to get something and putting the purchase in a bag.

Basic Customer Care

Adding nice day isn’t it?, appearing sincere and wanting to help, Showing the options that best suit this customer, offering them a seat while they wait and offering to carry it to the car.

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