Thursday 8 November 2012

Customer care, service and Treaty of Waitangi


HER MAJESTY VICTORIA Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland regarding with Her Royal Favor the Native Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and anxious to protect their just Rights and Property and to secure to them the enjoyment of Peace and Good Order has deemed it necessary in consequence of the great number of Her Majesty's Subjects who have already settled in New Zealand”

New Zealand has well preserved land and has been secured for a while. But Pollution from our environment isn’t helping anywhere with car fumes, oils etc. so we need to do our best to protect it.

                        CUSTOMER SERVICE AND CARE

Customer service is what is what needs to be done to meet the customer’s needs and expectations.

Customer care is slightly different. While customer service is about ‘meeting the needs’, customer care goes further. It is about providing customer satisfaction

Basic Customer Service

Greeting, offering help, showing the common options, say excuse me when you leave to get something and putting the purchase in a bag.

Basic Customer Care

Adding nice day isn’t it?, appearing sincere and wanting to help, Showing the options that best suit this customer, offering them a seat while they wait and offering to carry it to the car.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Business practise

The Code of Conduct

Clarifies the standards of behaviour that are expected of Staff in the performance of their duties. It gives guidance in areas where staff need to make personal and ethical decisions.

EXAMPLE (Code of conduct law in NZ when importing a vehicle)

"New Zealand law (and in particular the Consumer Guarantees Act 1986, the Fair

Trading Act 1993, and the Vehicle Standards Compliance Rule 2002 (Standards

Compliance 2002 Rule 35001/1) places responsibility upon the importer and trader of

used vehicles to ensure that those vehicles are safe. Both traders and importers of

used vehicles provide those vehicles to consumers subject to a statutory guarantee that

the vehicle is safe. Traders of used vehicles, or the importers of those vehicles are

therefore fully responsible for all safety related recalls and all costs associated with the

rectification of used vehicles they have imported."


Industry practice

Rules & regulations, made with Industry input that may influence Government Regulations.
The term "best industry practice" refers to ethical practices that the industry is expected to follow.


Code of Practice for New Cars
This standards are related to the honesty of advertising, the necessity and quality of the manufacturer's warranty, the quality of new cars, the prompt and helpful handling of complaints and the ready availability of replacement parts
Code of Practice for Service and Repair
Transparent and fair way of doing business," with its principles of quoting only all inclusive prices and issuing invoices that match them, honest advertising, completed work, prompt complaint handling and competent staff.
Company practice

What a Company does on a regular basis or the way things are done in this Company.
To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill: practice
To give lessons or repeated instructions to;
To carry out in action


Disability in the workplace

Air Conditioning

Principles of air conditioning

Expansion & Evaporation
The Mechanical refrigerant system moves by heat:

  • The high temperature and high liquid refrigerant is stored in a receiver.
  • The liquid refrigerant is released to the evaporator through the expansion valve
  • The temperature and pressure of the liquid refrigerant is lowered and some of the liquid refrigerant changes to vapour. 
  • The Low pressure, low temperature refrigerant flows into and evaporator where it boils and changes into a gas, removing heat from the surrounding air in the process.  

The Picture above shows the process

Condenser and Fan
Air conditioning works by way of evaporation to remove heat from the air. The REFRIGERANT GAS (Freon, R-134A, R-12, or whatever type) starts in the compressor, mounted on the engine, the gas is compressed into a high pressure. The gas then goes to the condenser which is mounted in front of the radiator and looks very much like the radiator. Inside the condenser, the gas is "condensed" which means it is converted to a liquid by having heat removed from it by way of the air flowing over the condenser. The liquid, still under high pressure is then sent to the evaporator. And the fan helps cool it down.

They act as a temporary storage containers for oil and refrigerant when neither are needed for system operation (such as during periods of low cooling demand). This is the “receiver” function of the receiver/drier.

Evaporator, Blower and Drain tube
In a vehicle A/C system, cold, low-pressure liquid refrigerant enters the evaporator. Warm air from the interior of the vehicle passes through the evaporator by action of the blower fan. Since it’s a fact of nature that heat always travels from a warmer area to a cooler area, the cooler refrigerant flowing inside the evaporator’s absorbs heat from the warm air. At the same time, humidity in the air condenses on the cool evaporator’s surface, then eventually drips out of a drain tube to outside the vehicle

Expansion valve
Its job is to control flow, in this case, the amount of refrigerant entering the evaporator. Since system operating conditions vary (sometimes high cooling demand, sometimes low cooling demand) it is necessary to be able to adjust the amount of refrigerant entering the evaporator.

Inside the compressor pump, a rotor spins at high speed. Similar to the way a turbine works, the spinning rotor pulls gases into the inlet and pushes them out the other side.The rotor inside the compressor is connected to the engine of the car using a belt.


Ignition switch needs it to be on but also the blower fan has to be on which will trigger the heater relay and you get a closed circuit.
Ac switch triggers the magnetic clutch
Heater relay controls the Ac switch


Steering helps you to turn in the direction you want your vehicle to turn into, its as simple as that and suspension is maintain the stability of your vehicle. But there is a lot more to it.

Springs are one of the important parts of suspension, there are many kinds but the ones we pulled out was a McPherson strut, these are common ones used in passenger cars and then there are leaf spring mostly used in older cars and commonly found in Utes.

Suspension designers divide the total mass of a vehicle into sprung and unsprung mass,
Sprung Mass is defined as all the mass carried by the springs (chassis, body, passengers, engine, transmission etc)
The Mass not carried by the spring is called unsprung mass and consist of axle, steering linkage, wheels etc

Vehicles come in different shapes and sizes, so they all have different body and chassis parts, i have explained all about it in my blogs but the important thing is that a faulty suspension means your car is not safe enough to be on the road.

 The picture below is the best way to explain how steering works, By looking at the picture you can tell how it works.
when you turn the steering the shaft attached to it moves the pinion which then moves the steering rack, allowing the tie rod end to push the wheel either in or out