Tuesday 8 November 2011

week 14

Today was our last class and we our poster presentation. our group did allright but not as good as we should had. One of our group member didnt come until late and he was pretty lost with the questions asked. our whole group was lost with the ethics question, for some reason. I hope we have all learnt something good from this class which will help us in the future. I know that the group woulld have dont a better if we put more effort into it but we all have exams and we might have been a little stressed out, but overall im hoping we passed :)

week 13

we worked on our poster and we didnt come in

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Week 12

In this week we did customer service plan, which went well, but i think we could have done a better job, and put more effort into it, but overall it was okay since most of the group members didnt show up or showed up late. But its good that we done with the presentations now, and we focus on our portfolio and poster.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

week 11

Today we did professional bodies, it required less research than last week. Todays class showed us that New Zealand has hundreds of Professional bodies and they benefit a lot of companies. This will be usefull
if we ever want to put a project through. but the annual fees are too expensive. i also found out that i did well in my essay which i am proud of and i hope to get better marks in the next writing. What i also realised was my group has gained lots of confidence in speaking and all the presentation has helped us a lot. well off to enjoy my holidays now :)

Monday 3 October 2011

week 10

Sorry for writing this so late, for some reason it didnt publish my post so im doing it again now.
I found this weeks class a little challenging compared to the other presentations we have done, i was glad we didnt have to present about the Maori culture as our group was a little of track. but we managed to fix that this week. So far we have learnt a lot and i know for a fact that we will be applying all this knowledge sometime in life. Maori culture is important as we live in New Zealand they are the natives of this country, and they have some great cultural views that we should learn and adopt from.

Monday 26 September 2011

week 8

This week we did safety at work place. we learnt the importance of it and about the hazards. I think that this topic was the most important one compared to the others. As a group we have been doing really well with our presentation and made really good progress with our speaking skills. Learning about hazards and safety at work was really important because its going to be very usefull once we start working

Saturday 10 September 2011

week 6

This weeks class was really interesting because we learnt about the importance of ethic and how this will help us once we finish our course. We didnt do very well when we to explain about codes of the ethic as we didnt have enough time so we need to pace our selfs next time so we get everything done on time. our group works very well as a team and we communicate well with each other. There will be many times i our lives when code of ethics and the importance of ethics will help me in the future.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

week 5

week 5, it was a interesting class because we learnt that we have to write bigger blogs. Our group presentation went well because we work really well as a group and everyone contributes really well, we still need to work on our project but we will get there. its hard to write a whole lot of the things so i little help will be good?!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

week 4

this week we learnt about summarising stories, researching and how to reference. things went well,
the class heped me a lot and its made my essay writing a lot easier, i was a bit lost in the refrencing
class because it was just too much information to take in at once. Other than that it was a good day and very helpfull.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Week 3

Iam finding it very hard to use blogger, i cant tell if you can see my blog?!
Our class this week was really good, i enjoyed the group assignment and
i think we did really well so i am proud of that. also looking foward to the
next class now

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Reflective writing. WEEK 1

Yesterday we had our first class about Reflective writing, we had to create this blog that I am wrinting on.
It to took me while to figure out how to use and i hope im doing it the right way.
The day didnt start to well because i didnt have my timetable so i didnt know what classroom i was gona be in, i waited for my friend to get here than we spent 15 minutes looking for the class, it was too hard to find the big yellow room.
I find this class interesting and im excited to give it a go.