Wednesday 3 August 2011

Reflective writing. WEEK 1

Yesterday we had our first class about Reflective writing, we had to create this blog that I am wrinting on.
It to took me while to figure out how to use and i hope im doing it the right way.
The day didnt start to well because i didnt have my timetable so i didnt know what classroom i was gona be in, i waited for my friend to get here than we spent 15 minutes looking for the class, it was too hard to find the big yellow room.
I find this class interesting and im excited to give it a go.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shivneel

    What a pity you had difficulty finding the venue but hopefully from next week you'll be right on track.

    A good start to your blog but you are make it deeper by addressing the following 'How do you feel about working in your selected groups'and 'What are your expectations from this course?"

