Tuesday 6 September 2011

week 5

week 5, it was a interesting class because we learnt that we have to write bigger blogs. Our group presentation went well because we work really well as a group and everyone contributes really well, we still need to work on our project but we will get there. its hard to write a whole lot of the things so i little help will be good?!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shivy

    You may have noticed that I wrote some questions in your last blog...these are some questions that if answered for the coming blog will definitely make your blog better.

    for e.g. from your own blog...what can you do better to make your project more feasible? What doesn't work well for you in the group? Can you change anything?

    How can I help you? Bigger blogs are not required as long as they are sharp and reflective.

