Monday 3 October 2011

week 10

Sorry for writing this so late, for some reason it didnt publish my post so im doing it again now.
I found this weeks class a little challenging compared to the other presentations we have done, i was glad we didnt have to present about the Maori culture as our group was a little of track. but we managed to fix that this week. So far we have learnt a lot and i know for a fact that we will be applying all this knowledge sometime in life. Maori culture is important as we live in New Zealand they are the natives of this country, and they have some great cultural views that we should learn and adopt from.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shivy

    I'm so glad your post is improving each week. It's short but reflective. Your assignment 1 was very good. I wish you would put in more effort in your's a giveaway 10 marks.Plus last week's topic is something that you won't address in technical papers so all the more reason for us to make you more culturally aware.

