Tuesday 13 March 2012

Health and Safety

The Law

Both the employer, Unitec Institude of Technology and its student have statutory obligations under the Healthand Safety in employment Act 1992 and all its amendments.

Health and Safety part 1

Employer Duties Include:

To take all practicable steps to:
Provide a safe working environment.
Provide procedures dealing with emergencies.
Provide facilities for staff that include toilets and rest rooms, also first Aid facilities.
Employees receive appropriate training in matters.
Students Duties include

Taking responsibility for your own safety and health at work.
Ensuring that your action or inaction does not harm others.
Reporting all injuries or near hits to your supervisor as soon as possible after the event.


To help reduce the health and safety risks in our workplace we need you to report any hazards  that you mayidentify that have the potential to cause injury or serious harm
Report the problem to your supervisor immediately so that the risk can be analysed and preventative action taken.
Who is your Health and safety representative Rob Humphreys

Health and Safety part 2

Read and explain in your own words the FIRE and EVACUATION process including
were you should meet if there is a fire, what colour vest do the fire wardens were?


Health and Safety part 3

Need to do the presentation on student safety responsibilities this can be done in a group active on in peers.


Health and Safety part 4

Complete the puzzle

1 comment:

  1. What happened to part 2 and 3 of this exercise?
